One of the things that I miss the most from the standard American diet is sugar. Sure, I loved all the other unhealthy stuff I had to give up too, but giving up sugar was 1,000 times harder for me than giving up gluten. Truth be told, I still struggle (and sometimes fail) with my sugar cravings.
I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and now with a thyroid imbalance, adrenal fatigue, and candida, all of which make you crave sugar, I barely stand a chance some days! It’s been so frustrating for me, because I’ve been in the process of trying to give up sugar for 9 months now. Something as simple as apples as a snack never does the trick. I know it’s not supposed to be easy, but should it really be this hard?!
So I’ve been working really hard at finding alternatives that I can use in place of unhealthy sweets if a craving hits. And, they are hitting. HARD. I know that God is using these struggles for a reason, but I still don’t know what it could be. So I’m going to keep writing about it in hopes that I help one of you!
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
So back on taming my wild sweet tooth, these Go Raw Choco Crunch Sprouted Cookies have been amazing. They take some getting used to, but if you’ve been off sugar for a while and can actually taste food the way it’s supposed to taste again, then you’ll appreciate them! Another tactic that I’ve been using to keep the cravings away is making a big pot of tea, and sipping it through the day. My favorite blends currently are from Yogi: Vanilla Spice Perfect Energy, Chai Roobios, and Raspberry Ginger Digestive Tea. I’m also having fun finding recipes on Pinterest and trying them out. This caramelized apples recipe wasn’t found on Pinterest, but was inspired by recipes I’ve found there.
Cinnamon Caramelized Apples Recipe
1 apple, sliced
1 tbsp coconut oil
cinnamon to taste
Melt the coconut oil in a pan, over medium heat. Slice apples into thin slices, they’ll cook faster and more evenly this way. I don’t bother skinning them, but if the skins bother you, then skin the apples before slicing. Once they turn into caramelized apples, the skin is nice and soft and doesn’t take away from them at all.
Saute the apples in the coconut oil and cinnamon until they begin to brown and get soft. The coconut oil and the sugars from the apples will start to caramelize, and it gives it a really rich, sweet flavor.
Once the caramelized apples are a toasty color and soft, they’re done! They are a nice sweet, cinnamon-y snack. For a former sugar addict, they hit the spot! Hope y’all enjoy them too!
Do you have any go-to healthy sweets that you use to keep the sugar cravings away?
These look delicious! Thanks so much for sharing with the Let’s Get Real party.
They are delicious! Hope you get a chance to try them!
Yum!! These look amazing, and love that they are allergy friendly!! 🙂
They are great, and so easy! Hope you get a chance to try them! 😉
Hi Stefani,
Sugar is so addictive and can be really hard to get off of. I am so glad you made the change. This recipe sounds so simple and delicious. Thanks for sharing on Real Food Fridays. Pinned & tweeted!
It is so addictive. Making the change one day at a time! I hate how it always seems to sneak it’s way back in. Thanks for visiting and sharing!
We love baked apples, and I often add apples to one of my kale skillets, so I know these are going to be wonderful. I’ll share them sometime in the next week or two on my YayYay’s Kitchen Facebook page and other social media as my pick for Recipe of the Day. And before then, I hope to cook up a batch. What a treat! Thanks for the recipe.
Thanks for visiting! I hope you love them. I love how the coconut oil adds some extra sweetness to the dish.
I did try them, and plan to make them again soon. This recipe is a keeper! So good. Sharing, pinning, plus-1-ing and tweeting today as #RecipeOfTheDay.
I love the simplicity of this recipe and so healthy!
My favorite kinds of recipes are simple! 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
Yum! We used to have fried apples occasionally when I was growing up. Loved them.
That sounds delicious! These aren’t fried, but they are so tasty and healthy 🙂
This would be perfect on ice cream! 🙂
That’s such a great idea! Maybe I’ll try it 🙂
Stefani, do you use natural sweeteners such as dates or honey or agave? I agree, going without sugar would be a killer. Gluten was hard to kick because I loved pastries and pastas, and gluten is everywhere. And a beer! Man, never thought I would crave one, but every once in a while a Summer Shandy poured over ice sounds delish, but filled with gluten, sigh.
Sugar? I can do without it sometimes. LOL I like it in my coffee in the morning. I need to try agave or honey. I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Lately I’ve been really bad in this department. The Jelly Belly’s were calling my name, and I gave in! ARG! I will get some apples next time I’m at the store, these sound delish and I bet they will help to fill my sweet tooth cravings!
For me, it was the opposite. Gluten I don’t miss much (except this time of year with holiday goodies, donuts, etc.) But it’s mostly the sugar. I have a heck of a time kicking sugar. I absolutely love making caramel sauce from dates for a sweet snack! Honey I’m not a huge fan of, just don’t like the flavor, but I use it when I’m sick. Agave I don’t use. My secret weapon is pure maple syrup… it’s not super maple-y like the fake stuff. I love putting that in my coffee, and it makes it nice and sweet without the bad sugar. The candy corn calls my name at the store, YUM
Stefani – these look delicious and something that will help fight the sweets at night – I love that you haven’t added extra sugars. yay – sugar is my nemesis. I found you at #WayWow -(I’m a little behind schedule with my comments… but I am printing and pinning – thank you!
Sugar has been my nemesis too! This is such a great alternative. Hope you love it!