If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my story the other day about the ‘Superjuice’ that I make for my kids every day. It’s basically my way of boosting their immune system, especially through the winter months.
So I will list what I put in their juice, along with why I choose to include it. These ingredients are what I choose for my specific kids for various reasons, so you can use it as a starting point and then add or remove ingredients as you feel necessary. Superjuice is super-customizeable!
(Okay, I promise I’ll stop saying ‘super’).
I start with 90% water in their cups. I use these cups to make it easier to refill and so they don’t spill it all over the place. Cause let’s face it- they spill everything.
So I fill their cups most of the way with water, and then I add the following:
Elderberry syrup – I make this at home (recipe is here), and I always have it in the fridge during the winter months. It’s a potent immune stimulator with anti-viral properties, so we use it to help keep our immune system on point to fight off any yucky bugs.
Kids Probiotics – We use these probiotics because they were recommended by our doctor. They’re a high quality powdered probiotic that we can mix into our kids juice or applesauce without them knowing. I think probiotics or fermented food of some kind is really important for keeping our gut healthy and making sure we have a variety of different bacteria in our digestive system.
Vitamin D3 – Our doctor also recommended giving the kids Vitamin D3 every winter to help keep viruses at bay. We don’t get enough direct sunlight during the winter months, so our bodies are usually deficient and needing supplementation. We generally stick with 400-800 iu’s depending on the time of year and what may be going around. You don’t have to use this if you use Cod Liver oil daily, I usually alternate them.
Vitamin C – I’m a big fan of megadosing Vitamin C to help fight & prevent illness. I take a lot of Vitamin C daily to help keep viruses away so my immune system can focus on Lyme. With the kids, I give them 1/4 tsp (which is 1.25 grams) of this Vitamin C daily. If they’re starting to get sick, I’ll give it to them morning & night. If they get loose stools, you’ll know it’s too much and should back off a bit. I love that Vitamin C is so customizeable.
Cod Liver Oil – I use this in my kids juice because of the high Omega-3 properties, as well as Vitamin A & D it contains. It’s naturally anti-inflammatory, which helps with whole-body health. The flavor isn’t great on it’s own, but juice covers it nicely.
Creatine – I only give my youngest creatine, because of his verbal Apraxia. I had seen a couple of videos where Dr. Ben Lynch spoke about kids with speech delays and how creatine helps, so I decided to start trying to supplement his a little bit. We currently use this creatine and have been seeing some good improvements!
Once adding all of these ingredients, I top it off with an organic juice, give it a good shake, and let them drink it up!
This is where I explicitly vocalize that I am not a doctor, I’m not telling you what to give your kids, and I’m not providing medical advice. This is educational only; it’s what I do for my own kids, for our own health issues, and for healing of our bodies.
If you want more health ideas, or delicious, healthy meal ideas, head over to follow along on Instagram!
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